What is the Certification Label?
Help, we can't find the labels, tags, plates, certifications to sell our home - what should we do?
I need the title application form for registering a manufactured home.
Where can I find the paperwork for detitling a manufactured home?
Realtors, reach out and I'll walk you and your buyer through the mortgage process step by step.
single and double wides
Have I told you yet that Brokers Are Better? In addition to saving money ($9000 + on average) and getting great service, brokers are better because of the 200+ lenders that partner with me for borrowers. I have 49 in my portfolio that offer mortgages on real property that includes a manufactured home (yes, many lend on single-wides too) as it's primary housing.
Call or message me anytime with questions about purchasing a manufactured home with land. I can't help you with mobile homes that aren't attached or sold with the land, but I can help you buy a home and land together.
Call or text Josh today - 828.238.2682